
Do You Need a Foreclosure Defense Attorney in Coral Springs?

There are few things more frightening than the possibility of losing your home or property. You’ve worked hard to achieve your piece of the American Dream. But when you’ve fallen on difficult financial times, it can be easy to accumulate massive debt and fall behind on your mortgage payments. A loss of job, divorce and…
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Chapter 558 Amendments May Change Construction Law in Broward County

Construction defect claims are common and costly problems for owners and contractors throughout South Florida. If not quickly resolved, construction defect claims lead to expensive and protracted litigation over the allegedly flawed work. First implemented in 2003, Chapter 558 of the Florida Statutes has attempted to protect the rights of both property owners and contractors…
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Business Litigation Attorney in Coral Springs Working Hard for You

Small business owners and big corporations alike encounter numerous situations that can be difficult to navigate without proper legal guidance. Businesses often require significant legal representation and assistance. Representing companies throughout South Florida, the team at Benson, Mucci & Weiss, P.L. has proven time and again that working with a business lawyer in Coral Springs…
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