Community Association

Typical services provided to our Condominium / Homeowner Association clients include but are not limited to the following:

  • Collecting delinquent assessments, from initial demand through foreclosure
  • Enforcing covenants, restrictions, rules and regulations, from initial violation notice through arbitration or injunction
  • Advising the Association as to its legal rights and possible exposure to liability relative to contemplated actions
  • Providing legal opinions which may include the interpretation of the Association’s governing documents and relevant Florida law
  • Answering questions regarding day-to-day operational issues facing the Association
  • Reviewing, negotiating, and drafting proposed contractual agreements between the Association and third parties vendors
  • Assisting the Association in amending its governing documents
  • Instituting legal action on behalf of the Association
  • Defending the Association with respect to lawsuits brought against the Association
  • Reviewing insurance policies
  • Assisting in the turnover process (including settlement negotiation) and, if necessary, the commencement of litigation surrounding turnover issues
  • Attending, upon request, meetings of the membership or Board of Directors including annual and special meetings as well as elections
  • Representation of the Association in their property insurance claims resulting from casualty losses such as hurricanes, as well as disputes against their insurers.

The nature of legal services needed by our Clients is as varied as the Clients themselves. In representing the interests of approximately 10,000 individual units the attorneys at Benson Mucci & Weiss have experience in a myriad of legal issues. Legal services for Condominium and Homeowners Associations involve a combination of more conventional areas including real property, corporations, construction, litigation, contracts, and insurance. Condominium and Homeowners Association attorneys must be part teacher, part problem solver, part corporate advisor, decision facilitator, and advocate. The attorneys at Benson Mucci & Weiss take great pride in providing personalized legal services for each of our clients, irrespective of size. Our goal is to exceed client expectations while providing cost-effective and innovative legal services at both fixed fee and hourly rates, customized to the individual client’s needs.