
Contact info

Benson Mucci & Weiss P.L.
5561 N. University Drive, Suite 102
Coral Springs, FL 33067

Telephone: (954) 323-1023
Fax: (954) 323-1013

Read Our Firm Brochure

Our mission is to provide our clients outstanding legal solutions with extraordinary, uncompromising service, by engaging in a practical, efficient approach to our representation, while maintaining the highest levels of professionalism, integrity, and knowledge of the law.

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    Contact the Lawyers of Benson Mucci & Weiss P.L.

    From the office in Coral Springs, the law firm of Benson Mucci & Weiss P.L., is a full-service firm providing skilled representation to clients throughout South Florida in construction law, real estate law, commercial litigation, corporate law and estate planning.

    To schedule a consultation with an attorney, please call (954) 323-1023 or toll free 800-768-9739. Or you can contact the firm via e-mail using the form below.

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