When dealing with foreclosure it can be challenging to figure out what to do, let alone how to do it. Truth is you never imagined being in this scenario, struggling to save your home or other property from foreclosure. If you’re facing foreclosure in Coral Springs and need help navigating this legal maze, call the highly experienced and trusted foreclosure defense attorneys in Coral Springs - Benson, Mucci & Weiss.
Here’s What You’ll Need to Save Your Property
In Florida, a mortgage lender must file a civil lawsuit in state court in order to foreclose on your property. But everything is not always so black and white and there can be many layers that go into the before and after of this process. Because of that, it can be difficult to make sure that everything is done properly and accurately, especially if you don’t have help. It can almost seem easier to just let it happen and stop fighting. However, we don’t give up so easily on something you worked so hard to acquire. The team here at Benson, Mucci & Weiss can help you develop a foreclosure defense strategy and fight for you. It’s not too late.
But we need your help. For starters, we’ll need the following items:
- Original loan documents
- Letters/documents the bank sent you after you fell behind on your mortgage
- Documents relating to a mortgage modification you may have filed
- A list of conversations you had with the mortgage bank
We’ll be looking into the possibility that you may have been involved with unfair lending practices or perhaps you were unfairly turned down for a mortgage modification. We go through all of the details and all of the paperwork to see if there are any instances or circumstances that can help you in your case. Our goal is to help you keep your home and to do it quickly and effectively so you don’t have to worry.
The entire foreclosure process can be complicated, but you don’t have to go it alone, and it helps to have someone on your side, fighting for you. The skilled legal team at Benson, Mucci & Weiss has lots of experience with foreclosure cases and will mount a strong legal defense.
Our mission is to provide our clients with outstanding legal solutions, and we can help you. When looking for a foreclosure defense attorney in Coral Springs, call Benson, Mucci & Weiss, or contact our firm here online. We look forward to helping you fight to save your property and make sure it stays protected moving forward!